Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

Programul de spectacole al lunii noiembrie 2019

30 October 2019

Tuesday, November 5th, 6.00 PM, in the German Theater Hall

The Human Foolishness

by Ion Creangă –– Directed by: Simona Vintilă

How many types of stupidity are there? How does it register and what is the proper way of dealing with it? And, most of all, what are we going to do with the salt block? These are some questions which ” The Human Foolishness”, directed by Simona Vintilă, tries to answer. The play, inspired from the story written by Ion Creangă, dedicated to children, and performed with a modern approach, tells the story of a group of school kids who stage, according to their own understanding, the famous encounters of the traveler who discovers in his journeys bigger fools than the ones from his own village. Agreeable, funny, honest, genuine, rounded by the original music, and summed up by the pay-off: ”” To be foolish is to be human, and it can be remedied.”
The performance will be subtitled in Romanian
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Within the Romanian Dramaturgy Festival
Sunday, November 10th, 8.30 PM, in the German Theater Hall

Romanian Diary. Timișoara

by Carmen Lidia Vidu –– Directed by: Carmen Lidia Vidu

Romanian Diary. Timișoara is a multidisciplinary project, which brings together cinematography, photography and theater, and it builds upon a series of unexpurgated and immediate confessions, a genuine reflection of interpersonal relations, decisively influenced by the urban environment, but, equally so, a call to social and community involvement. The architecture of the production is determined by the actress’s biographies, which unearths the parts played by parents, friends, strangers, and the city - through its inhabitants, neighborhoods, artists and the local administration, in defining us as individuals – spaning from the nostalgia of the first experiences to the immediate present. The confessions are built almost exclusively on the life experience of the actresses, whether its junctures of happiness or pain, success and failure, trauma and depression, or alienation and belonging.
The performance will be subtitled in Romanian and English
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Sunday, November 17th, 7.30 PM, in the German Theater Hall


by Simona Vintilă –– Stage direction: Simona Vintilă

Blessed is a play about painful revelations, love and suffering, disease and decline, belonging and unsettling, about longing and distress and, most importantly, about the impact that an unsparing disease – Alzheimer’s – bestirs on the day to day life of a modern family. The text pens the story of the husband which is always away on business trips, of the daughter –studying abroad – and of the mother, the main character, living all alone, more and more objected by her daily routine and by the inevitable stress of quotidian life. In the empty spaces left by these relationships, illness becomes personified with the sole purpose of externalizing the anguish of the decayed family, giving wholeness to the modernity of this glass menagerie. The self referential quality of the text, gives the play a sincere and unambiguous description of the ailments which Alzheimer’s disease bestirs on those affected by this illness and, also, on the close ones.
The performance will be subtitled in Romanian
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Thursday, November 21st, 7.30 PM, in the German Theater Hall


by David Greig –– Directed by: Alexandru Mihăescu (a.G.)

Acțiunea spectacolului se petrece într-o gară situată într-un mic oraș de graniță din Europa de Est. Cu ultimul tren ce oprește înainte ca gara să se închidă din cauza faptului că a devenit inutilă, ajung în oraș Morocco, un mic traficant de produse de lux, alături de doi refugiați – Sava și Katia – în căutare de adăpost și de siguranță. Adele, o localnică angajată a gării, fascinată de libertatea refugiaților, și-ar dori să exploreze lumea la fel ca ei. O poveste de dragoste prinde contur, iar textul dramatic se construiește pe tragedia lipsei de orizont și a dorințelor neîmplinite, dar și pe dezvăluirea stereotipurilor legate de imaginea refugiatului. David Greig tratează tema complexă a granițelor fluide și a identităților schimbătoare, conferind o calitate dramatică deosebit de convingătoare puternicului simbol reprezentat de stația goală și de trenurile care trec în viteză prin ea. Europa înfățișează oameni aflați mereu, fizic și emoțional, în mișcare, unii dintre ei dureros ancorați în certitudinile trecutului, alții străduindu-se să pornească spre noi destinații. Europa este o piesă ce abordează teme universale și în același timp străbătută de accente intime.
The performance will be subtitled in Romanian
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Sunday, November 24th, 7.30 PM, in the German Theater Hall

Romanian Diary. Timișoara

by Carmen Lidia Vidu –– Directed by: Carmen Lidia Vidu

Romanian Diary. Timișoara is a multidisciplinary project, which brings together cinematography, photography and theater, and it builds upon a series of unexpurgated and immediate confessions, a genuine reflection of interpersonal relations, decisively influenced by the urban environment, but, equally so, a call to social and community involvement. The architecture of the production is determined by the actress’s biographies, which unearths the parts played by parents, friends, strangers, and the city - through its inhabitants, neighborhoods, artists and the local administration, in defining us as individuals – spaning from the nostalgia of the first experiences to the immediate present. The confessions are built almost exclusively on the life experience of the actresses, whether its junctures of happiness or pain, success and failure, trauma and depression, or alienation and belonging.
The performance will be subtitled in Romanian and English
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Friday, November 29th, 6.00 PM, in the German Theater Hall

Hänsel and Gretel

based on the Grimm Brothers –– Directed by Simona Vintilă
Musical fairy tale by Simona Vintilă (script) and Ilie Stepan (Music), after the Grimm Brothers
Song lyrics: Dana Borteanu

Who ever does not know the famous Brothers Grimm fairy tale? Poverty determines the woodchopper and his wife to take their children into the woods and leave them there. There, the children fall into the hands of a witch who wants to eat them. There is, however, an escape, the two being helped by a storyteller and two friendly elves. Whether they manage to free themselves and how, and what happens to the witch, that remains to be seen!
The performance will be subtitled in Romanian
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